Introduction of soil Mechanics

The property of soil lie in between fluid and solid, it means there is not fully behavior/property of fluid or solid.

The process of formation of soil is termed as “Pedogenisis”

Pedogenisis: It is formed by weathering of rock. Weathering signifies disintegration of rocks. Weathering of rocks can be carried out any of following mechanism:

  1. Physical : Due to impact and grinding action of water, ice, gravitational forces, plants & animals, Temperature & Humidity, Earthquake etc.
  2. Chemical: Due to oxidation(Reaction takes place in presence of O2), Reduction (Reaction takes place in absence of O2), Carbonation, Hydration and leaching (Washing out fine suspended particles and soluble particles by action of the water)

If soil is formed by physical weathering there is no change in mineral consistent of soil from parent rock. e.g. coarse grained soil, gravel, sand but if it is formed by chemical weathering mineral constituents get changed. for ex- fine grained soil, clay, silt.

if after the weathering the soil is retained over parent rock it is termed as residual soil and if it carried away from parent rock it is termed as transported soil.

Note : The property of soil i.e. size of particle, shape and roundness, surface texture and sorting characteristics depends upon mode of transportation as follows:

Note :

Soled = Angular

Frosted = Frost/rough (Same as glass filled with water in winter)

Straited = Soil with cracks/voids/deformation

Sorting : In starting small particles deposited then after bigger particles that is sorting

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