Defects in concrete

Concrete is known as good binding material for constructing building and other structure. In over the world, concrete is used however there are many limitation and defects in concrete. For that reason, many of researchers and scientists have been working for replacement of concrete. Some of major defects in concrete are discussed as :

  1. Cracks : Cracks in concrete may be formed due to one or more following reasons are Excess water, Early loss of water, Alkali aggregate reactions, Freezing and thawing of concrete and corrosion of steel.
  2. Crazing : It results from difference in shrinkage between surface & its interior. These cracks rarely exceed 12-50mm in depth & therefore are not of serious concern apart from unsightness. Random development of crack over the concrete is called crazing.
  3. Sulphate Deteriotion
  4. Efflorescence
  5. Segregation & Bleeding
  6. Laitance
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