Fighting with myself


First, I want to wish you a Happy Mother’s Day. It’s a significant day that often brings a lot of reflection. It’s during times like these that I realize just how much luck can impact our lives. Speaking of luck, I’ve been thinking about my own experiences recently, especially my decision to pursue a Master’s at IOE. I chose a rather unique subject, but unfortunately, my rank wasn’t high enough to make it on the list, despite others with lower ranks getting selected. It’s moments like these that make me feel like I’m on a path that’s already been laid out for me.

I have the means to enjoy life, and I know I could take an easier route, enjoying what I have. But my goals and dreams won’t let me. Despite numerous setbacks, I always find myself getting back up and trying again. I believe this persistence is good, but time is not on my side. I’m at a turning point where my determination is all I have; no friends or supporters are here to help me along the way. It feels like I’m walking this path alone. Some might say it’s just bad luck, and I often feel compelled to try regardless, though it seems almost like a joke at times.

This issue with the entrance results isn’t an isolated incident—it’s a recurring theme for me. People often tell me that if they were in my shoes, they’d be in a better place by now. It’s hard to hear, especially as someone who came from a small town in Nepal with big dreams. Despite my efforts, success seems just out of reach. I can’t say much more right now.

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