Cement & Different Constituents of OPC

It is artificial building material used for imparting binding property in the construction work. Cement developed by JOSEPH ASPEON in 1824-25. Cement broadly consist of following:

  1. Calcareous compound (Having calcium and Magnesium)
  2. Argillaceous Compound (Silica, Alumina, & Oxide)

Example of calcareous compound : Chalk, Limestone, Cemented Rock, Marl, Alkali Waste, Marine Shell.

Argillaceous Compound : Clay, Shale, Slate, Ash

Different Constituents of OPC:

  1. Lime : It imparts strength to the cement and is responsible for its soundness (Resistant against volume change). It can be represented in the CaO and it is in percentage 63-67%. If it is in excess it makes cement unsound causes it expands and finally integrate. If it is in deficiency it reduces strength of cement & causes it to set quickly.
    • CaO + H2O ————-> Ca(OH)2
      • Volume of Ca(OH)2 is greater than CaO.
  2. Silica (SiO2) (17-25%):- It is also imparts strength to the cement. If it is in excess, it increases the strength of cement along with its setting time.
    • Quick setting cement is required in grouting work (to fill cracks), Structure made under the ground
  3. Alumina (Al2O2) (3-8%) :- It imparts quick setting property to the cement. It acts as flux & helps in reducing clintering temperature.
    • Clintering temperature : Temperature at cement manufacture.
    • Flux : Help/aid.
  4. Calcium Sulphate (CaSo4) (3-4%):- It is generally added in the form of gypsum (CaSO4 . 2H20). It helps to increase initial setting time of cement.
  5. Iron Oxide (Fe2O3) (3-4%) :- It imparts hardness, strength & color to the cement.
    • In excess, over burning of cement.
    • Hardness : Resistance against wear & tear)
    • Colour : Reddis brown (Resultant : Gray)
  6. Magnesia (MgO)(1-3%):- It also imparts strength, Hardness and colour (Yellow) to the cement. It is responsible for unsoundness of cement.
  7. Sulphur (S) (1-3%):- It is responsible for unsoundness of cement.
  8. Alkali (Na2O, K2O)(0.2-1%):- Presence of alkali in cement leads to efflorescence & expensive reaction with aggregates. (It is termed as cancer of cement )
    • we don’t want alkali but it presence in every building material.
    • efflorescence= Patches
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