Bond & Detailing

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Sufficient bond is required between steel and concrete to avoid any relative movement between those. It is necessary because to required for full utilization of strength of section.

Types of Bond:

  1. Flexural bond
  2. Anchorage bond

Flexural Bond:

It is developed due to variation of bending Moment along the length of r/f.

Note : The above values are for plain bar hence for HYSD bar these values are increased by 60 %.

Note : These values are further increased by 25% if the bars are used in compression.

Note: Incase of bond failure the most economical way to make it safe is by providing more number of small diameter bars instead of less number of bars of large diameter for same amount of steel.

Anchorage Bond

This bond developed around the bar to provide proper anchorage so that reinforcement attains its desired stress.

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