Creep In Concrete

Creep is due to sustain loading that is load for a long period of time. Here load is compressive and its deformation keeps on increasing with time, even though level is not changed. This time dependent component of deformation/Strain is termed as creep/plastic flow/time yield.

Creep due to sustain Loading

It is hard to understand creep and this is due to the following reasons :

1. Internal movement of absorbed water.

2. Viscous flow or sliding between gel particles.

3. Moisture loss.

4. Growth of Micro-Cracks.

5. Loss of prestress.

6. Gradual transfer of load from concrete to reinforcement.

Graph Strain vs time of creep

The rate of creep decreases with time and its value at 5 years is considered to be Terminal value.

Factors Effecting Creep.

  • Higher Cement Content.
  • Higher W/C
  • Lower aggregate Content
  • High Temperature
  • Size and thickness of member is small
  • Loading is in early age.

Creep Coefficient/Ultimate Creep Coefficient

It can be defined as ratio of ultimate creep strain to that elastic strain.

Creep Coefficient depends on age of loading.

Note : For intermediate value of time, creep coefficient can be computed by interpolation however time must be on logscale.

Note : In design we consider an average value of modulus of Elasticity with same partial effect of creep only.

Effect of creep can be reduced by following

  1. High strength concrete.
  2. Delaying the application of finishes, partition wall etc.
  3. Adding reinforcement.
  4. Steam curing under pressure.
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