Attachment Good or Bad ?? by Er. Vivek Shah

“कर्म रुपेण कौन्तेय दुष्पूरेणानलेन च।

योगिनः कर्म कुर्वन्ति संगं त्यक्त्वात्मशुद्धये।।”

(Verse 43, Chapter 3)

This Bhagavad Gita verse is incredibly motivating. It serves as a reminder that attachment—whether to people or things—often results in unhappiness, psychological issues, and roadblocks to advancement. Addiction may even be the catalyst for drastic measures like murder and suicide. There is a significant distinction between attachment and love, despite the fact that some individuals confuse the two. Love entails compassion, care, and respect for one another, whereas attachment frequently breeds avarice and selfishness.

About 70% of children nowadays struggle with attachment to relationships, especially those involving the other sex, which might be a major contributing factor to their issues. Addiction to unhealthy behaviours like drinking, smoking, consuming excessive amounts of explicit content, or other vices can also be a symptom of attachment. These problems are widespread among students and have a detrimental effect on the advancement of our nation. Many youthful minds are caught up in these addictions rather than concentrating on concepts and discoveries.

Addiction or attachment, though, isn’t always harmful. Positive attachments can serve as a source of inspiration and fulfilment for people. The secret is to direct your attachment towards positive activities.

The verse provides insightful advice for anyone looking to distance themselves from harmful influences. In order to escape, you have to deliberately try to stop being attached, change the way you think, discover a higher purpose in life, and continue to be involved in worthwhile activities. Your attachment to the object grows stronger the more you think about it. It’s crucial to actively avoid thinking about it and move on as a result.

This procedure isn’t as easy as it seems, as the verse implies. It might take some time and be difficult. On the other hand, you can gradually detach yourself if you work at it consistently and maintain your faith. Even on the second day, it might be challenging at first, but if you stick with it, you’ll eventually change. You’ll notice a change for the better in yourself. Never forget that every journey begins at zero and that, with perseverance, you can reach your objectives.

Take part in your hobbies if you have any to keep your mind busy. If you don’t have any hobbies, think about taking up a new one and keep going. When you distance yourself from negative influences and focus your energies in a constructive manner, life gets easier. On your path to self-improvement.

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