Contact for Services

Graphics Design

Our Graphics Design package is a complete solution for businesses seeking a strong digital presence. Our skilled designers work closely with you to grasp your brand’s personality, ensuring a final output that represents your identity accurately. Whether logo creation, website design, social media assets, or marketing collateral, our design solutions cover it all. With cutting-edge software and techniques, we guarantee an exceptional finish to leave your customers impressed. Trust us to build a visual language that resonates with your audience and sets you apart.





Creative Writing

Creative Writing is a course that focuses on developing writing skills and techniques. Whether you’re a beginner or an experienced writer, this course will give you the tools and inspiration needed to develop your writing style, generate new ideas, and refine your writing voice. With a focus on experimentation and exploration, Creative Writing encourages you to explore different genres and forms, from prose to poetry, and to experiment with style, structure, and voice. Through engaging writing exercises, discussion, and expert feedback, you’ll learn to write compelling stories, create vivid characters, and craft evocative language. Designed to inspire and challenge, this course is an essential resource for anyone looking to enhance their writing skills and develop their creativity.

Architectural Drawing

Architectural Drawing is a comprehensive guide for creating professional-quality architectural renderings. With step-by-step instructions and easy-to-follow diagrams, this book teaches aspiring architects and designers the techniques and skills necessary for successful architectural drawing. Whether you’re a beginner or an experienced professional, this book is an essential resource for anyone looking to create stunning architectural drawings that bring their vision to life. Featuring tips and tricks from industry experts, Architectural Drawing is the ultimate guide for anyone looking to create beautiful, realistic renderings that showcase their creativity and design skills.




Civil Engineering Surveying is an essential service that helps civil engineers to plan, design, and create effective infrastructure. The service involves precise measurements of land and existing structures to ensure that new structures will fit into the area safely and efficiently. This survey involves the use of the latest technology, including GPS systems and laser scanners, to provide accurate data that engineers can use to create accurate models and designs. Additionally, Civil Engineering Surveying services are a legal requirement for most construction projects to ensure that the new structures are compliant with local regulations. Overall, this service is vital for any civil engineering project, ensuring that infrastructure is both safe and efficient.

Webpage Design

Our Webpage Design service provides customizable website templates and expert design support to create a professional online presence for your business or personal brand. Our team of designers will work with you to understand your needs and create a custom website that reflects your unique personality or brand. Our designs are optimized for user experience and search engine visibility, ensuring that your website stands out from the competition. We also offer ongoing support and maintenance to help you keep your website up-to-date and secure. With our Webpage Design service, you can easily establish your online presence and reach your target audience.



Engineering Work

Our Engineering Work service is dedicated to providing a wide range of top-notch services to cater to various clienteles’ needs. We understand that constructing a building or road requires a lot of precision and accuracy. Therefore, our team of highly experienced engineers employ the latest technology and software to ensure that we provide in-depth and precise analysis, designs, estimation, valuation, and bridge designs that meet your requirements. Our services are of the highest quality, yet competitively priced, making it affordable for everyone to enjoy the expertise and professionalism that we offer. Our ultimate goal is always to exceed the expectations of clients, and we’re committed to ensuring that your project gains the solutions it deserves. 

Online Tuition

Looking to excel in your civil engineering studies? Look no further than Online Tuition for Civil Engineers! Our online course is designed specifically for students like you, who want comprehensive and high-quality tutoring at their own pace. Our team of industry experts with hands-on experience bring a wealth of knowledge and expertise to the table. With personalized attention and the ability to solve queries while participating in discussions with other students, you will be able to fully immerse yourself in the learning process. Plus, with all classes recorded, you can revisit any topic at any time to ensure that you have a thorough understanding of the material. Experience the convenience and cost-effective benefits of learning from the comfort of your own home, while still achieving academic excellence. Sign up for Online Tuition for Civil Engineers today!

IT Supports

IT Supports provides exceptional technical assistance to businesses and individuals in need of tech solutions. Our team of experts offers 24/7 remote and onsite support for troubleshooting, computer repair, network configuration and security, software installation, data backup and recovery, and cloud computing services. Our goal is to ensure seamless integration of technology in your daily operations, maximizing efficiency, and enhancing productivity. Trust us to deliver affordable, effective, and reliable IT solutions tailored to meet your specific needs. Contact us today for a consultation and let us help you achieve your tech goals.




Our Clients


I had a great experience working with this website design company. They created a beautiful, high-quality website in a short amount of time while being responsive to my needs. I highly recommend their services to anyone in need of a quick and efficient website redesign. Thank you for your outstanding work!
Ranjit shah
Managing Director, Sakhuwa Engineering Consultancy Pvt. Ltd.


Progress Meter

Graphics Design
Engineering Work
Website Design

What the People Say

"Bibek is an exceptional and intelligent team player who demonstrate his keen eye for detail and enthusiasm while working on a research project on climate variability (Snake Plant). His Positivity and ability to think creativity made working with him an enjoyable and productive experience. Bibek's dedication to the project was impressive, and his contributions was crucial to its success. I'm Confident that he will continue to excel in any future ventures."
Prof. Dr. Jibaraj Pokharel
Former Dean of IOE (Pulchowk Campus), Former vice-chancellor and academician of Nast
"Bibek is an honest and knowledgeable person with impressive technical skills and excellent communication abilities. He brings valuable insights and expertise to discussions and is skilled at simplifying complex ideas. Bibek is high-caliber individual whose contribution to any team or project are of highest quality. Working with him will undoubtedly bring significant benifit"
Mr. Nabaraj Pokharel
Academic Director (KIC, College of Engineering), General Secretory of AECoN Nepal
"I Wholeheartedly Bibek's Pursuit of Civil Engineering. His Passion and Protentional for success are impressive. As his mentor, I have seen his skill firsthand, including proficiency with Civil engineering software. I am devoted to providing guidance to help Bibek excel in his career."
Er. Prakash Poudel
Design Engineer (Gon) SUspension bridge dept, Author

Some Recent Project

Design and Analysis

Ward Office Building
  • Analysis of Building
  • Design
  • Estimation and Reports

Design of Nakhu Bridge

Lalitpur Nepal
  • Drafting
  • Estimation
  • Reports

Website Design

Sakhuwa Engineering Consultancy Pvt. Ltd.
  • Domain Register
  • Hosting
  • Page Designing

Let's Maximize Your Business with Vivek

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